What is micron?

A micron is a unit of length that is one millionth of a meter or 10-6 m. One micron is 1/26,000 of an inch.
The micron is used to describe sizes of very small objects.

Introducing Micron

Inspired by the true value behind micron, our aim is to watchout even the smallest happenings in web3. Built on the Ethereum blockchain, micron is a meme-supportive Dex that addresses specific problems characterising the Dex and Retail traders.



Micron Vs. Traditional Dex
Traditional Dex Micron Dex
Liquidity Addition ✔️ ✔️
Delayed LP Issuance ✔️
Safety Period ✔️
Customizable Release ✔️
Token Retrieval ✔️

Refer micron's introductory doc for detailed information

Micron is built for a specific purpose

Prevent hard rug pulls. It has an inbuilt Liquidity Locking Mechanism(LMM) to lock liquidity for a certain amount of time.
Provide a MeMe and micro-caps friendly Dex where manipulated pump and dump will be prevented to secure the interest of the Traders and Investors
In view of the ongoing trend of meme tokens and micro-caps, Micron will have a dedicated zone for MeMe tokens and Micro-caps
$MICRO is the native token of the Micron Dex and ecosystem. The Users will get various benefits on the dex by holding the tokens in their wallet.
Micron will also launch the crypto wallet for a complete ecosystem experience on our platform.
To provide the scope of earning passive income through offering of Staking and Farming.
To secure the vision and future of projects Micron has a mechanism to lock Ecosystem and Team tokens to build the confidence and provide a safe and stress free trading environment.










Total Supply 10,000,000,000
Liquidity Locked for a certain period70% - Dex 7,000,000,000
Ecosystem Locked for a certain period15% - Project development & Partnerships 1,500,000,000
Cex Locked for a certain period 13% - Reserved for Cex listings 1,300,000,000
Airdrop Locked for a certain period 2% - Planned airdrop or Burn 200,000,000
Smart Contract: